Leave the stuffy gym behind, get outside with L9 Long Beach group exercise classes. Special offers and promotions below require advance scheduling. Boot Camp Long Beach CA sessions are available with semi-private training and open-enrollment programs where space is available.
Individual + Group COMBO OFFER
1 Individual session per week
+ 2 boot camp sessions per week
Long Beach Group Exercise You’re Going to Love!
The reason Level 9 Group Exercise Classes are so popular is because we truly care about producing real results for our boot camp and group exercise clients, with great prices and plenty of specialized exercise programs it’s no wonder L9 has a loyal base of clients, plus we’re always adding new clients to our group training.
The workouts constantly change and so does your body. Get started!
What is Jed Miller’s Long Beach Group Exercise All About?
At Jed Miller’s Long Beach Group Exercise Classes and Boot Camp you’ll be using your own body weight, dumb bells, kettlebells, resistance bands and more! You’ll soon be ready for Advanced Jump Training by Jed Miller – a form of plyometrics which is proven to jack your metabolism and burn body fat ultra fast. Get AWESOME RESULTS in less time than you ever thought possible! See Jed Miller’s Boot Camp testimonials and Reviews.
Jed Miller About Long Beach Group Exercise
If you’ve been doing group exercise classes in the gym let me first say Good Work! You’re obviously motivated and you’re putting in the work and sweat required to hit your fitness goals. I do like indoor classes and I’m certified to teach yoga and indoor cycling. Having said that, I want to also encourage you to try an outdoor fitness training class if you haven’t already. Try my outdoor Boot Camp and group exercise classes in Long Beach or try somebody else’s. Either way I want you to experience the feeling of exercising outside and compare it to the way you feel during and after an indoor group class. There’s a real difference, you’ll see.
Humans Are Solar Powered:
We’re all solar powered. We’re creatures of the sun. The benefits of being outside, especially in a place like Long Beach CA has endless benefits. This is especially true when we exercise. A healthy dose of sunshine for at least an hour a few times per week is proven to have benefits for your overall energy levels, immune system function, brain function and mental clarity. So take a break from indoor fitness classes and start and outdoor group program or Personal Training routine in Long Beach CA. You’ll be glad you did.