Fast Boot Camp Results
In order to get the fast results my Long Beach CA boot camp classes are known for producing you have to make sure you cover the very first step.

Become completely committed to every part of your boot camp fitness program. I’ve never had a client get amazing results with a less than wholehearted, fully committed attitude. If you say “maybe I can do this” or “let’s see if this works” you’ll get mediocre results at best. The mentality of a successful boot camp client is: “I can”, “I will”, “I do”. And those people who feel that way always succeed in hitting their fitness goals and going beyond their original hopes and goals. It’s like anything in life worth having: you do whatever it takes to make it happen.  From weight loss to toning and tightening all of my boot camp and personal training clients succeed when they follow my system correctly and remain positive when things get tough.

Do It All
If you’re showing up for every single boot camp session in Long Beach and you’re working hard why wouldn’t you also put the right foods in your body? Nutrition accounts for half of your results. It’s all about using self discipline to stay on the right track long enough to form new positive habits. Then it really isn’t that hard to stay on track. It all goes back to becoming an All or Nothing person.

Make a Change
If you say you’re just not that type of person I’ll tell you hundreds of people have said that to me throughout my career and those who trusted me and followed my guidance became changed individuals. There are no set rules on what type of person you have to be about accomplishing major goals. Who cares what type of attitude you used to have about fitness?? Only today counts and today you can change. If you do you’ll be able to exceed your wildest dreams and expectations about what type of body you can shape for yourself. And the benefits of being in great shape aren’t just about looking hot in a bathing suit. You’ll be a more healthy, happy, energized individual.

I can help you every step of the way!
Jed Miller
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